49. Internationales Go-Turnier in Amsterdam
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Language Englisch
European Go Congress 2022
64. European Go Congress
Was ist denn Fischer-Modus?
auch: Fischer-Zeit/Fischer-System/Fischer timing/Fischer time von Harleqin aus Hamburg: Was ist das denn schon wieder? Wir verwenden auf BadenGo-Turnieren den Fischer-Modus als Zeitsystem. Das ist eine elegante Alternative für z. B…. Read more »
Go is like life

Twelve Go players from China and France met in Frankfurt am Main and contested a Go team competition in a single game on a board.
Stage Go et Ski 2020
Winter Camp in the Alps, near Grenoble – in the week before the Grenoble tournament
De Amsterdamse Go Club – Jubileum 2022
Anniversary 2022: celebrate that go has been played in a club context in Amsterdam for over 60 years.
Australian Go Congress 2020
Australian Go Congress
46th London Open Go Congress
Major four-day McMahon tournament, held in London at the New Year
Magyar Nyílt Góbajnokság
Budapest Tournament / Hungarian Open 2019
TIGGRE + Ellie Cup 2020
Grenoble international Go Tournament